In May, 2016, Nancy’s Brother Dean invited us to visit him in Trinidad. He works as an Independent IT Consultant and had a job working in Trinidad for several months. He knows we like to travel so he invited us down. We have never been to Trinidad so, and thought it would be nice to visit Dean, so we accepted.

Dean had been working there for several months so he was well attuned to the rhythm of Trinidad. He had reserved rooms for us at the Hyatt along the sea so we were all set. We arrived on Friday evening from Miami and were ready to spend an interesting weekend in Trinidad. Dean had a full weekend planned for us. We spent Friday evening at our hotel catching up with Dean, his family, his job, our family, our activities, lotsa drinks, good evening … No Jet Lag. Later we went Liming but only for a short while.

So Saturday Dean had a full day tour of Trinidad booked. He had a friend who ran a tour service who took us all over the Island. I’m not going to give you a history or geography lesson on Trinidad … if you are interested just Google “Trinidad” and you will be enlightened. The first place we went is to the Northern Shore. Exposed to the sea and all it provides, the Northern shore was very impressive. Rugged, scenic, beautiful. All At one time. Here are some pictures of the trip there through the capitol, Port of Spain, and the Northern Shore.

We continued our tour of the north shore … saw some incredible cloud formations and made it back to town. That night, late, we went out to a turtle sanctuary where some naturalists were taking care of leatherback turtles that were coming ashore to lay eggs. I’ll show you the pictures then tell you a little about it.

The eggs hatch some time later. The Baby Turtles eat the eggs that don’t hatch until they are strong enough to dig their way out of the nest. They then take a GPS bearing of where they are and head to the sea. Incredibly, they return to the same spot some 25 years later after swimming the oceans all over the globe. It was a very unique experience. The Turtles are so gentle and quiet. The bad side is that thieves come and steal the babies as they crawl out to the sea … sell them. The Naturalists try to protect them until they can get to the sea.

The next Day was Mother’s Day and, as always, Nancy and I try to make these special days special.

So That afternoon, Dean was working but his guide took us around the rest of the island and treated us to a shark sandwich. After that we took him on a tour of an amazing highly migrations of red birds.

That ended the bird tour. We had an incredible sunset that evening, we went back to the hotel, got up the next morning and flew home. Great weekend in a Great little place. Here’s the Sunset.

That’s Our Mother’s Day Weekend In Trinidad. Thank You Dean for inviting us down and sharing your weekend and Paradise with us. Always a fun time.

Author: Bill

Bill Rumpel served America as an Air Traffic Controller, a Commander of forces, and as an advisor to our country's senior leadership in peacetime and combat in the US Air Force for nearly, forty years of his adult life. Raised on a Wisconsin dairy farm and living most of his early years working hard or enjoying the outdoors, he has devoted his retirement years to telling stories based on true events with an intriguing mix of fiction and adventure. His books are published in 14 countries and in 9 different languages.

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