Thailand (Feb 2024) Two Temples, a Giant Buddha, and a Museum/Art gallery in Chang Rai

*** Note from Bill *** I split this out from the other post in Thailand because it was getting too large. Everything slows down and it get really frustrating.***

So here we are in Chang Rai. A good sized town and much more developed than up North at the Golden Triangle. We enjoyed visiting the Karens and have now arrived at our hotel. It turns out that the hotel is really a resort and is quite nice … don’t mind that a bit. Here’s some pictures from around the resort … The Legends.

Nancy did her thing with the host and booked a tour for the next day. It included a car and guide (same guy) to take us on it. We were to see several temples and museums. As it was a private tour we could add or delete as we pleased. So we did. Here’s the tour and some pictures from it.

This was the Tour Nancy booked

The Lady Buddha was huge, China seems to be building some sort of conclave here. They are also building a large housing area for older people as well as a large hospital. I assume for older Thai’s but who knows. The view from the Lady Buddha’s eyes (from inside her head) is very impressive. Both the White Temple, and the Lady Buddha are fairly new being built and opened within the last ten years or so.

Now we come to a different kind of place. This guy was also an artist who started using unusual stuff in his art. The setting are strange but interesting. I viewed his art show as more of a museum than any thing else. See for yourself.

That was that and that’s about all I have to say about that. Lunch was included on the tour so our guide took us to his favorite local restaurant for lunch. Not sure what it was we had but it was pretty good and I’m still alive so it passed my two basic tests.

After lunch we went to the Blue Temple. They had two museums there … we went through both. On the walk in, there were a bunch of beautiful Orchids along the path.

We slapped the mat at this point and told the guide we had seen enough very beautiful things today and had us take back to the hotel. We had dinner there, our last night and left the next morning. We flew to Bangkok, spent the night in the same hotel we had stayed in before (we left our big suitcases there and traveled North with a Back Pack worth of clothes). We left the next morning for New Delhi, India. Our tour of Thailand was finished. We had an interesting time, enjoyed seeing so many different things and met many interesting people.

Author: Bill

Bill Rumpel served America as an Air Traffic Controller, a Commander of forces, and as an advisor to our country's senior leadership in peacetime and combat in the US Air Force for nearly, forty years of his adult life. Raised on a Wisconsin dairy farm and living most of his early years working hard or enjoying the outdoors, he has devoted his retirement years to telling stories based on true events with an intriguing mix of fiction and adventure. His books are published in 14 countries and in 9 different languages.

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