PERU – Manchu Picchu, Iquitos, The Amazon, Cusco, Paracas, Nasca Lines – April 2014

Welcome to Peru. Manchu Picchu was high on Nancy’s Bucket List and I always was curious about the Nasca Lines so one day we decided to see if we could get to Peru and see some of these wonders we had heard so much about. We went on line and found a site called Peru Tourism, told a young lady there what we were looking to do and see. She said she would email us a proposed itinerary and some associated costs. We went back an forth a few times and settled on the trip we took. I have broke this trip up because of the number of pictures. The website gets weird when there are too many pictures. This first one is the lead in and covers an over view and our time in Lima. There is also a post for Cusco, a post for Paracas, a post for Manchu Picchu, and a post for Iquitos and our time on the Amazon.

Peru was one of our more enjoyable trips. Each thing we saw was with a different company that was contracted by Peru Tours. Our groups, when we had them were small, we met some interesting people, and saw a bunch of interesting things. (If we look young it is because we did this trip eight years ago).

We flew from Miami and arrived in Lima, Peru late in the afternoon. We were met by some helpful gentlemen who took us to our hotel, made sure we were checked in, and told us a lady would meet us in the hotel lobby the next morning.

The next morning there was indeed a young lady waiting for us in the lobby, we sat down and she went over our itinerary, gave us the tickets would would need during our trips, and described how our tour would work. When she finished she told us we had the rest of the day to rest and become accustomed to the higher altitudes (although Lima was not that high).

Here is a map of Peru with the places we went circled:

The Red Lines are travel lines with the squiggles being our flight over the NASCA lines

Not wanting to rest but to see what we came to see we decided to walk down towards the Pacific ocean and see what Lima had to offer. It was very foggy for much of the morning but we did see some interesting things.

That was out time in Lima. We returned three times to Lima. Twice just to the airport to go to another city. Lima is an impressive city. Much culture, many warm and welcoming people.

Author: Bill

Bill Rumpel served America as an Air Traffic Controller, a Commander of forces, and as an advisor to our country's senior leadership in peacetime and combat in the US Air Force for nearly, forty years of his adult life. Raised on a Wisconsin dairy farm and living most of his early years working hard or enjoying the outdoors, he has devoted his retirement years to telling stories based on true events with an intriguing mix of fiction and adventure. His books are published in 14 countries and in 9 different languages.

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